Parents for Youth has acquired and developed an effective method for dealing with children with severe behaviour problems.
This program, based on knowledge and experience gained from parents in group therapy sessions over the past fifteen years will assist in the rehabilitation of your youth. These children bend all the rules. They resist treatment because they do not perceive themselves as having a problem. Under current law, in most cases, troubled youth can refuse treatment.
Our parent-oriented approach is successful because parents have the love and committment required to be effective. Parents help each other to cope with crisis and soon develop objectivity about their youth. As unrealistic hopes and dreams fade, parents no longer feel responsible for their childrens' problems. They gain self-esteem and confidence.
The parents report that the group experience empowers them to parent in an appropriate way. Most youths respond well and become productive members of society.
With the Parents for Youth program, you will learn what works for other parents in a caring group setting and how to deal with the pain and fear which makes you ineffective with your youth. Parents learn to set limits for their out of control teens and to follow through with consequences if those limits are not met. These new skills will enable you to respond to your teenagers' behaviour effectively.
Support groups of 12 parents, led by a trained facilitator, meet weekly for 90 minutes.
Parents for Youth also offers support groups for parents of difficult children 6 - 12 years of age.